Well these few days the weather is kind of dodgy, nice and shine in the morning, then thunder storms in the afternoon, sometimes freak storms in the evening, very common in PJ and Subang area. Yesterday while coming back from Melaka was no acception, somewhere along Rembau zone, the rain was freaky heavy. Before that i had a BMW 7 series tailing me that i let him over take me. What the heck he is driving a such an expensive car he should speed. Not long later as we all can see the difference in the horizon, heavy rain up ahead, and i was at about 120km/h all the cars slowed down, inlcuding a very lan see vios, wanna over take me and smoke me. Damm you vios, drive so fast when got no rain, when rain come you slow down like a pussy. Use Michelin PP2 tyre lah next time. Plus the stupid vios got no sense of cutting into the middle lane because he wanted to "pa lo" move aside lah. So i had to follow him. The rain was like kind of heavy, for me im using the proper equipment so i dont doubt my performance during rain.
The bus bang the side divider
So we all drove through the wet weather with caution. Then later when the weather clear up there we had a traffic jam. I was wondering there must be an accident. So the impatient BMW just now had slowed down also, but he kept eating left and right to squeeze, hey cannot see got jam ah, wait lah. If you can, fly loh, i dont mind. stupid driver.
So we went on and there you go as i mentioned an accident, this one the bus had passengers inside. Probably no one died but the people inside it had a nice spin off, forget to mention, busses are also annoying, they think they got a lot of power and control and see what happen. Bang goverment property. Later kena pay saman,

We got through the bus and then later not more than 100m a jam again ,this time some cars hit each other as you can see in the picture. So in raining days, make sure use Good tyres like michelin pp2 and dont compromise. Then if you have traction control use them it helps a lot. Also if you can change the wipers, as for me i just got them changed, so i have a clear view infront of me. Well 3 accidents in less than 3 km distance. What a day. The rain really put those lan see drivers to a good lesson.
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