So Car Bikes and Trucks (www.CBT.com.my)has announced the Peugeot 308 is the Overall car of 2009
I also would like to give my view about the cars this year that i have come across. Well of course mine has no physical awards to be given away, but for the fun of it lets have a view of what cars are available in Malaysia.
So what do you think is the best selling car of 2008? well the answer is very simple. Honda City, or Toyota Vios, both were winners, because both had great fuel efficiency, both were within RM 80k. Which most Malaysian would spend the money on. Why, probably that most Malaysian's buying price point. Malaysian Buy cars based on the price. Never on segment but always on the price. Sad Sad.

Well the new city has a nice look unlike the old one, which was kind of weird. But anyhow it had oversell most cars in the market due to its, super efficient fuel features and great space. The nearest competitor was Vios, head to head, if you didnt buy the City, you would have bought the Vios, because you dont have a choice. If you hate both cars, prepare to spend more, or buy a P1.

Nissan too launch a mid segment model called the Latio, which had some nice toys packed into it. The Latio had the space, the luxury feeling but on the specification part, it lacks the upper limit BHP. meaning no power when you go untill certain speed. The lower torque had nice numbers. The Latio is responsive, and had nice interior. Nissan had shift their selling point into interior part of the car. If you buy the Latio, you didnt buy the looks but the luxury in the car.

So the latio as an option with a different taste. Next best option was Hyundai Elantra which was also fighting within price. You get a 2.0L with only RM93000, unfortunately, it didnt sell well. Notoriously Korean cars are not very much better than P1. So most Malaysian kept their money away from Korean made cars. Kia Spectra was not a good selling car as well, Kia kept a low profile. Till then the Malaysian roads were conquered by Vios and City.
Things start to change when the Kia forte made its appearance in America, It had a whole new look and packed with new engines. Very promising, and best of all it is in our shores, I personally loved this design, with its wonderful toys packed into it, plus the price point, at RM93800 that is a 2.0l engine, with all the features you expect in a car. The Kia Forte i forsee will be on the roads in increasing numbers by next year. Although the numbers will never beat the figures of Toyota and Honda, Malaysian are giving the Koreans a new hope in the price less than RM 100k segment. We cannot discuss on segment, as i was discussing just now, we discuss on price point,

Hopefully the forte and NAZA reputation will improve proving that the Koreans too can help us Malaysian to enjoy our RIDE!!! hehe, i like the word.

For the mid size most sexy looking car on the road, I give the awards to VOLVO S40 and the
Peugeot 407, European segment. The New VOLVO S40 has new improved lower specification engine. From a 2.4i engine now fitted with a 2.0L but with new Powershift as its new feature, the engine improves fuel efficiency, power shift is a twinclutch system. You dont loose power during gear shifting. the engine can be found on Mazda 3 and Ford Focus. As a parent company of VOLVO the new s 40 will share a lot of technology from the Focus. Design wise it is perfect for executive that just love nice sexy looking car. Especially this white one.

New S80 Sexy

Well the Audi R8 i had the chance to Molest it externaly in NAZA world, It is a super car, in line with Porches and Ferari's also Lambogini's I just love Audi design and the R8 is just one super car that really makes a person get orgasm. Meaning having a ultimate feeling when looking and touching it. Well if thats satisfaction, what is coitus with your wife or lover? Hehe , man and their weird feelings towards cars and hifi. Churning out at 414BHP for the V8 version, the Audi R8 is sure a super fast car, at RM 799,999 in NAZA show room it is sure a great car to buy. But if you are really looking into this super car. Prepare to get deaf with the sound of the engine roaring at the back of you. On the other hand the Porsche Panamera i think is probably a more comfortable car to drive and ride in, Still the same BHP at 400 BHP but costing at about 1mil. This Panamera is a real family super car. Imagine you got 3 friends would wanna enjoy the ride in your Porsche. You can bring them along, its so nice, but if it were a 911 or a R8 you can only bring one.

On the SUV that is on the road, the most fantastic futuristic design is the VOLVO XC 60. With its most anticipated wait, this XC or cross country. New toys like the Auto city Braking. City speed detection. This feature will make sure you dont bang the person infront of you.

The Mazda CX9 is also one SUV that deserves the respect of a luxury SUV, at its price tag of 300k. It just feel very luxury seating inside the CX9, even the BMW X5 looses out on its luxury feel, Same goes with the Audi Q7. i wonder why you should pay so much for the SUV when you can get a CX9 at less then 300k.

Well, the most sexy of all cars for my eyes would have to be the Audi A4 B8 model, the one with the LED lights. Is is just nice size, comes with selectable drive features. Very modern design. Packed with nice toys. Adaptive Cruise control, sensor for this and that. it seems kind of all in one package. Even the B7 model is so sexy. For this car i would aim at getting it in 5 years. By then cars will be different , more newer models will replace this one, but at least i get to drive the car i like and love so much.

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