How is everyone doing? i hope you are fine... I'm ok also only having some small details to worry about life.
its been sometime since i have written something here. Of course been busy with my new found hobby which happen to share the same interest with my wife.. Although she happen to be the one in the picture most of the time.
Other than the photography session and my miserable damage recovery for the industry, everything else seem to be very exciting. I got to thank my great friends for encouraging me and consoling me in times like this. I'm also grateful that i have them around. Last Friday was my birthday. Nothing important, no big deal thing. Practically kept it low profile so that i don't mess around too much.
Basically i got into reading again. Although i have stop reading for a while because of my laziness. But i got into reading once more. This time i picked up the Rich Dad Poor Dad book. I'm just curious why was it such a great book, that everyone who had read it or knew about it kept repeating that it is a great book. Rich and Poor dad is written by Robert Kyosaki. He talks a little bit about his life and how he has come into what he is today. Great thing is that he shares his ideas and everyone now gets to know about it. We live in an era where information is at our finger tips when we need it and also in an era where money is power and everyone is becoming rich. There are more rich people today comparing 1 century ago. In the olden days, we are confined to what we are by our parents, teaches and so on and so forth. there were no internet to share knowledge for and everything is by the books. It was the time where the form 5 exams will determine you a future or not and whether you have food on your table tonight counts on how hard you have work in the day. Life was thought. It was like that. My dad great up from a poor family. During war, everyone was poor. But my dad knew about how to plan his future. And he knew that in 40 years when he was still 20 he will need not depend on his kids to survive. Thats what i respect my dad and mom the best. They make me grew up and let me be independent. But never asked back.
Truly, i'm just barely surviving my days here. But no worries because i know a little now how to get out of it.
We all are in a system. Well i mean most of us. We grew up. When we are 5 to 6 we go to kinder-garden. All we knew was to play as hard as we can. Meanwhile the teaches will try their best to get some ABC and 123 into our brain. So we learn along as we are suppose to and we learn about numbers and words.
So when we are 7 years old we go to primary 1 to primary 6 and trying to pass all exams that were designed to makes us miserable. Exams were frightening to me. It meant that if i dont know means i get caning. I still feel like this today. Sad is that i never knew why exams were put into such a way to punish those that are less bright. We practice and practice. Memorize tables, and multiplication by heart and so on and so forth. Just for the exams. But we never asked why are you memorizing those tables. 1x1=1, 1x2=2 and so on.
I never knew why were they important, only to know if i dont know i m big trouble. Same goes for the dictation last time which i hated most. I used to remember primary 3, there was a math teacher who would give our multiply table and so on to test our brains. I sometimes and most of the times get caning from him. Those who got canned, they are considered as unlucky and stupid. If you dont get canned, means you have been practicing.
So what does the numbers mean? basically nothing today. All i know is the phobia of learning in primary school.
So in secondary school, things get worst. Because the peer pressure to be in the first class. Second class and so on. In form 3, we are being separated into Science or Arts class. Art classes were considered inferior and lower class compare to Science 1 and 2. I was in a science class, but was in the 2nd class. Science 3 was mainly for those weaker students who couldn't do add maths and had less subject. Science 1 and 2 were sought after. I think this does not happen in my school in Melaka but in the entire Malaysia.
We had accounting subject which was compulsory but was not important. Physics, Biology and Chemistry and Bahasa Melayu was suppose to be more important than accounts. Bahasa Melayu is basically the key to whether you get into the local Uni after the exams. If not just carry on and go to a private college. I wonder why does the education system force us to take a subject which they know that will be of no use in the future of Malaysians. Today, i can speak Malay very well, But i dont see how i use the Sajak and Puisi in my working life. But i struggled during my years of form 4 and 5 into this miserable subject which 90% of the time i never understood what were the person talking about.
In accounts, most people and including me took it less seriously. I thought learning accounting was a waste of ones time especially when you are going to be an engineer, doctors, programmers and so on. All highly paid professional jobs.
I paid little attention to accounts, and just merely pass during the SPM, That is because it was not useful in giving good grades in the results, It is being ignored and i used to complain that why are we studying this bloody subject. i knew Chee Teng Heng was the very few who scored the accounts A+ and did the SPM exams in just 30 mins. I had stuggled 2 hours in it and complaining why is it im doing this subject. I knew nothing about what is to come. I had no knowledge that accounting is important in our life. Probably they put there so that we learn something and hopefully it be useful in the future. And now it is really useful.
Before i came across Robert's book, i had literary no knowledge about what to plan for my future, All i knew was to make more money each year by doing what im doing right now. I know i had to invest to make the money grow. I see everyone around me do it, and got something out of it. For example my dad is one of them. But i never bothered to know about it. I was encourage by my wife to look for a better job that pays more and quit when it is no more able to pay you. that's how the brother and father does. They hope into different company and get paid better every time they changed jobs. I think they hardly invest but had invested some but failed. Thats is why my wife don't believe in Insurance, Mutual Fund, and Stocks. She said those are sure to loose money. I wonder. Then how does my father been able to have extra income even though he was working with the Government.
Not changing jobs but he has gradual increment by performance basis. How come some failed and other succeed? What are the correct stocks to buy?
Never the less i will be out there to get some. That is why i want to be financially literate. This term came from reading Rich Dad's book. I never learned them in school, and nor did my dad told me about it. I don't blame anyone but i m only ignorant about my financial education. So i made a promise to educate my sons and daughters to be financially literate and tell them what the school system is, and educate them on accounting and taxes. Why should we not pay the government. Why should we save the money and use it on our own. Thats more important than getting good grades A's all the way during secondary and tertiary education period not knowing about taxing and accounting when only they are out working get themselves trap into The RAT RACE. another term from Roberts book. I never know how to deal with all this, All i know is make more money and buy a bigger house and car. Go for more expensive holidays. I had no idea how come the rich get richer. I only knew if the rich gets richer because they have the money to invest. With the investment they get more money.
There are many things one should learn about the works of money, especially when it has got to do with everything in the life we are in today.
Working hard is no more a way of life today, working harder for a company only allows the owners or your bosses to be richer. Yes you get a raise and you get good pay, and respect. But you are still in a RAT RACE.
Its easy to get into the race, almost automatic when we start working. But it is so difficult to get out. So most of us like the majority stay and get on with it and face the fact that this is life.
How come no one tells me terms like RAT RACE, Financial Literacy and Liabilities and Assets. All i know if you want to be an accountant you need to know by heart if not just carry on what you are doing.
Now Liabilities and Assets are the 2 most important words in my mind now. And RAT RACE is what i dont want to join. But im already in one.
When i read more i know more and i want to share with you all. But first of all i want to improve my knowledge first and by understanding cash flow and assets, How i can make the column bigger.
Till then i hope you guys can pick up a Rich Dad and Poor Dad book and read it. Just for fun if you don't believe what i say, then you will be amazed by how little we know and why is it our education system is not doing. And then you will think about your children that will be in the system, What kind of future that lies in them.
Keep reading and improving the Financial Knowledge. See Ya
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
best of time worst of times.
Best of times worst of times, Life is always facing its up and downs, although i try not to think of the down ones at least to keep myself moving forward like Toyota although Toyota has a major breakdown in the company.
But no one cares, people still buy Toyota cars. What is there, Honda also got recall, same with Nissan as well.
So in my life also is like toyota, honda and nissan, Although my recalls are not as serious as them but recalls that i have are quite serious saying as well, Especially when it comes to money, no one is easy on it. Everyone has a intention of getting the cheapest they can get. You see, i have been writing casually on my data which i started quite some time ago, collecting all the stupid mistakes i made and recalls i have and the things i think about this life. Not everyone will enjoy what i say, or agree to it, some may think i'm a stupid fellow that shouldn't be born in this world. Yes i struggle, still making mistakes but improving every time of it. Somehow life either hates me and make me feel like i probably shouldn't be living in this wonderful world.
as i go on with my current life, things tumble down and sometimes down down down till i feel that what the hell am i doing here. Don't you think that i should be leaving this world to allow more air for others to breathe. Somehow i find myself not be able to be like a normal person, not with the normal thinking IQ status. I somehow is below average in Life but above average when it comes to other things like philosophy, theories, technologies, astro physics. i love science. i love them so much, but i m no prover, which means useless unless you can show and prove that it is right. Imagination and brain storming i m good, but my thoughts are given to others to benefit but not on me. Whats the point right ?
So that is why you will think where in the world is there such a stupid person. Sad Sad... how come my natural born brain works in the wrong manner? Even sadder. I dream and think a lot. Sometimes thinking what the hell i'm doing here.
Well with all those ding dong and bing bang that i experience, life also does treat me well, of course not as good as some people where they are bundled with Joy, Money "loads of it", looks, well being and come with high acceptance level by society. I happen to be the none of those. I was born in a very well behave family. My dad is great, better than a lot people out there. My mum is even better. As they age they are much more open minded and leave things to us. I love them also a lot. Sometimes i wonder if they are sad when i'm not around. So i tend to come back often to visit them, At least they dont miss me so much and wondering how i'm doing. Sadly i couldn't provide them with the luxury of life like buy them new nice big cars. Give them money, loads of it, Sent them to holiday everywhere in the world, let them live a happy life. It is very unfortunate that i ended up with a mediocre life, not knowing how to make the lump sump of money. 30 years has passed i'm not even close becoming a millionaire. While some people are on their way to become one, I m still here struggling with life. Trying to get the best out of it.
I must say i respect my parents like no one else on earth is better than them. Not just they gave me my life, and built me, but they never asked back, as they know i m not capable of doing so. In this kind of situation i presume i'm much better than a lot of people out there.
I m lucky that i dont come from a broken life, but i'm not so lucky that i was not trained to be a better more cunning and packed with common sense kind of person. I wonder how do i survive in my life. Guess it is just pure pressure that kept me pushing on.
I understand now how life works. At least probably 0.00001% ~0% of it.
I discover that money is everything. Yes argue with me,." money is not everything." but it is, and our life revolves around money. Let me give you a scenario. Please open your mind and think about it.
If a person has so much of money, for example you are being given USD10 billion, your life change in an instant, you will walk up straight heads up like an army marching. You will walk like you are on top of the world. You will smile at everyone. Even the ones that hate you so much.
Your finger is like the magic wand, each and everything you point at, you will get or have it. No matter how much does it cost. Everything in our society is built in terms of making money, nothing in this world is built priceless or unique where no money can buy. Its just the right price to pay for it, to compensate for it.
you can say money cannot buy love, well by right it is not true. How come? money makes people happy. What makes people happy, by buying the things they want. So i was told this is transient happiness. I must say i cannot agree with that. How can it be true where everything you see on TV has money in it. When you buy flowers for a girl, dont you think she will be happy? she will.
Ya there are some girls that money cannot buy because they dont have the feelings for you. Hmmm .... is it true? not really, Sometime down the life of this girl she will require money as well, probably for her education? her parents medical fees. her house got on fire. so on bla bla bla... so when you are the one helping her financially dont you think she be in love with you. Yes she maybe in love with you and your money, but hey, thats the girl that you want right? And now you have her. thanks to money you have saved the day... Her parents are happy, the daughter is being taken care of financially. And there goes a happy story.
So money can buy happiness, which comes from materials, money can also buy love by providing financial support. So can money buy life? lets find out.
Can we buy life? probably yes. Yes" we all came from dust and to dust we shall return.." means that everyone has to die somehow someday. So can money buy life. think of it.. money may not buy you life but money can at least prolong your life in this devil world. Filled with materials. according to my bible. Money can make a person happy, a happy person will always live longer at least in his or her lifetime, enjoying every moment whenever he or she can. If you have watched the cartoon Up! from Walt Disney. Do you realize one thing? If the 2 love birds had the money to go overseas to where ever the person want to go. Dont you think they will be both very happy. But of course that wont give any meaning into the movie anymore.
There you go, money is power of everything, then again , money is also the devil behind a lot of bad things. For me, as long as we use it in the right manner it is a very useful tool. I love money.
Back to my life. where were we. ok, next recipe for life you need, is a working brain. Not like mine, semi working useless non functional brain. My brain works in a manner that is not useful in this life. Probably 150 years ago i be a great person or a genius, but not today. Today, we require a brain that has to think like a businessman/women. We require rocket science brain to sell a IOL, We need a super genius to operate a phaco machine. And so on and so forth. Unfortunately i m still making my Einstein brain. A little too late, but i hope it will be revealed in 10 years time.
To think of it, i have many unfortunate things happening, pissing people of. Doing crazy things. but thats isnt it what is all about? And of course you have to make people hate you so much.
My worst of times is happening now, at its best of times. Probably i had done something wrong in my pass life, Being a good person is really plain stupid, Being a cunning person that knows the twist and turns of life is much better, at least the person can avoid danger of being blame by others later.
I hope my life will improve, I think this is a really lazy way of saying things, A person should say, i will improve my life. Hope and miracles dont happen at all, Its the person and the living being that made it happen. Stop hoping now and get you butt up and change it, IF you dont like something, change it.. Don't complain about it. Just change it to suite you better.
All i want to say, is life is like a box of chocolate TM, you never know what you gonna get inside it. Forrest Gump may be stupid, which you think so, but he is not affected by his peer pressure in what every he does. So do you. What do you care about what others think of you. Just make the change for yourself. Heck if the next person dont like, either he get up to change his or keep complaining and nothing happens. And that it his problem not yours. Remember a person who is angry with you, he is the problem not you so you dont care about him. He is not happy, let him be, either he has to change himself or you to make it better for him.
Respect money at all times, as money is the key to your happiness. Manage money well it will give you long life. Most importantly, always spend time with your parents. Yes some are nagging here and there. hey, come on, they are old, they are wise, they know what is best for you, just smile at them always, as your smile will be in their heart forever and when they are no more here you will never regret that you have not done enough for them. Parents worry too much about their children, they should, as that is their most proudest possession,they want accompaniment from you, your young ones. They love to be with you, but to be with them you got to bear with their nagging. As usual, you nag your children as well, So thats how life works. We all are here for a purpose. God is not here to help you, Bear in mind you are the one that will save yourself from that falling building. Not God. You are the one that makes you life miserable, happy, wonderful, not God. So if you are like me, blaming God scolding him, don't cause he never listens to you. Then again, if you are angry at God, is your problem, so change yourself, Then you blame no one, Think of God as just a passing by leisure thing people do when there is nothing else for them to do.
Well our timeline is too short, there are too many things to do in this life rather than talk crap in office, People waste too much time talking about others during work. Why not make the times worth, make yourself useful in you life and die a happy person. Not die wondering what have i done in my entire life. Have i dont enough.
So if you have something you want to do, go ahead and do it, dont wait as you wont much chance to do it.
But no one cares, people still buy Toyota cars. What is there, Honda also got recall, same with Nissan as well.
So in my life also is like toyota, honda and nissan, Although my recalls are not as serious as them but recalls that i have are quite serious saying as well, Especially when it comes to money, no one is easy on it. Everyone has a intention of getting the cheapest they can get. You see, i have been writing casually on my data which i started quite some time ago, collecting all the stupid mistakes i made and recalls i have and the things i think about this life. Not everyone will enjoy what i say, or agree to it, some may think i'm a stupid fellow that shouldn't be born in this world. Yes i struggle, still making mistakes but improving every time of it. Somehow life either hates me and make me feel like i probably shouldn't be living in this wonderful world.
as i go on with my current life, things tumble down and sometimes down down down till i feel that what the hell am i doing here. Don't you think that i should be leaving this world to allow more air for others to breathe. Somehow i find myself not be able to be like a normal person, not with the normal thinking IQ status. I somehow is below average in Life but above average when it comes to other things like philosophy, theories, technologies, astro physics. i love science. i love them so much, but i m no prover, which means useless unless you can show and prove that it is right. Imagination and brain storming i m good, but my thoughts are given to others to benefit but not on me. Whats the point right ?
So that is why you will think where in the world is there such a stupid person. Sad Sad... how come my natural born brain works in the wrong manner? Even sadder. I dream and think a lot. Sometimes thinking what the hell i'm doing here.
Well with all those ding dong and bing bang that i experience, life also does treat me well, of course not as good as some people where they are bundled with Joy, Money "loads of it", looks, well being and come with high acceptance level by society. I happen to be the none of those. I was born in a very well behave family. My dad is great, better than a lot people out there. My mum is even better. As they age they are much more open minded and leave things to us. I love them also a lot. Sometimes i wonder if they are sad when i'm not around. So i tend to come back often to visit them, At least they dont miss me so much and wondering how i'm doing. Sadly i couldn't provide them with the luxury of life like buy them new nice big cars. Give them money, loads of it, Sent them to holiday everywhere in the world, let them live a happy life. It is very unfortunate that i ended up with a mediocre life, not knowing how to make the lump sump of money. 30 years has passed i'm not even close becoming a millionaire. While some people are on their way to become one, I m still here struggling with life. Trying to get the best out of it.
I must say i respect my parents like no one else on earth is better than them. Not just they gave me my life, and built me, but they never asked back, as they know i m not capable of doing so. In this kind of situation i presume i'm much better than a lot of people out there.
I m lucky that i dont come from a broken life, but i'm not so lucky that i was not trained to be a better more cunning and packed with common sense kind of person. I wonder how do i survive in my life. Guess it is just pure pressure that kept me pushing on.
I understand now how life works. At least probably 0.00001% ~0% of it.
I discover that money is everything. Yes argue with me,." money is not everything." but it is, and our life revolves around money. Let me give you a scenario. Please open your mind and think about it.
If a person has so much of money, for example you are being given USD10 billion, your life change in an instant, you will walk up straight heads up like an army marching. You will walk like you are on top of the world. You will smile at everyone. Even the ones that hate you so much.
Your finger is like the magic wand, each and everything you point at, you will get or have it. No matter how much does it cost. Everything in our society is built in terms of making money, nothing in this world is built priceless or unique where no money can buy. Its just the right price to pay for it, to compensate for it.
you can say money cannot buy love, well by right it is not true. How come? money makes people happy. What makes people happy, by buying the things they want. So i was told this is transient happiness. I must say i cannot agree with that. How can it be true where everything you see on TV has money in it. When you buy flowers for a girl, dont you think she will be happy? she will.
Ya there are some girls that money cannot buy because they dont have the feelings for you. Hmmm .... is it true? not really, Sometime down the life of this girl she will require money as well, probably for her education? her parents medical fees. her house got on fire. so on bla bla bla... so when you are the one helping her financially dont you think she be in love with you. Yes she maybe in love with you and your money, but hey, thats the girl that you want right? And now you have her. thanks to money you have saved the day... Her parents are happy, the daughter is being taken care of financially. And there goes a happy story.
So money can buy happiness, which comes from materials, money can also buy love by providing financial support. So can money buy life? lets find out.
Can we buy life? probably yes. Yes" we all came from dust and to dust we shall return.." means that everyone has to die somehow someday. So can money buy life. think of it.. money may not buy you life but money can at least prolong your life in this devil world. Filled with materials. according to my bible. Money can make a person happy, a happy person will always live longer at least in his or her lifetime, enjoying every moment whenever he or she can. If you have watched the cartoon Up! from Walt Disney. Do you realize one thing? If the 2 love birds had the money to go overseas to where ever the person want to go. Dont you think they will be both very happy. But of course that wont give any meaning into the movie anymore.
There you go, money is power of everything, then again , money is also the devil behind a lot of bad things. For me, as long as we use it in the right manner it is a very useful tool. I love money.
Back to my life. where were we. ok, next recipe for life you need, is a working brain. Not like mine, semi working useless non functional brain. My brain works in a manner that is not useful in this life. Probably 150 years ago i be a great person or a genius, but not today. Today, we require a brain that has to think like a businessman/women. We require rocket science brain to sell a IOL, We need a super genius to operate a phaco machine. And so on and so forth. Unfortunately i m still making my Einstein brain. A little too late, but i hope it will be revealed in 10 years time.
To think of it, i have many unfortunate things happening, pissing people of. Doing crazy things. but thats isnt it what is all about? And of course you have to make people hate you so much.
My worst of times is happening now, at its best of times. Probably i had done something wrong in my pass life, Being a good person is really plain stupid, Being a cunning person that knows the twist and turns of life is much better, at least the person can avoid danger of being blame by others later.
I hope my life will improve, I think this is a really lazy way of saying things, A person should say, i will improve my life. Hope and miracles dont happen at all, Its the person and the living being that made it happen. Stop hoping now and get you butt up and change it, IF you dont like something, change it.. Don't complain about it. Just change it to suite you better.
All i want to say, is life is like a box of chocolate TM, you never know what you gonna get inside it. Forrest Gump may be stupid, which you think so, but he is not affected by his peer pressure in what every he does. So do you. What do you care about what others think of you. Just make the change for yourself. Heck if the next person dont like, either he get up to change his or keep complaining and nothing happens. And that it his problem not yours. Remember a person who is angry with you, he is the problem not you so you dont care about him. He is not happy, let him be, either he has to change himself or you to make it better for him.
Respect money at all times, as money is the key to your happiness. Manage money well it will give you long life. Most importantly, always spend time with your parents. Yes some are nagging here and there. hey, come on, they are old, they are wise, they know what is best for you, just smile at them always, as your smile will be in their heart forever and when they are no more here you will never regret that you have not done enough for them. Parents worry too much about their children, they should, as that is their most proudest possession,they want accompaniment from you, your young ones. They love to be with you, but to be with them you got to bear with their nagging. As usual, you nag your children as well, So thats how life works. We all are here for a purpose. God is not here to help you, Bear in mind you are the one that will save yourself from that falling building. Not God. You are the one that makes you life miserable, happy, wonderful, not God. So if you are like me, blaming God scolding him, don't cause he never listens to you. Then again, if you are angry at God, is your problem, so change yourself, Then you blame no one, Think of God as just a passing by leisure thing people do when there is nothing else for them to do.
Well our timeline is too short, there are too many things to do in this life rather than talk crap in office, People waste too much time talking about others during work. Why not make the times worth, make yourself useful in you life and die a happy person. Not die wondering what have i done in my entire life. Have i dont enough.
So if you have something you want to do, go ahead and do it, dont wait as you wont much chance to do it.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
CNY 2010
Chinese New year is usually about Dinner, Alcohol, and Ang Pau, and friends gathering in a place meeting up with each other, saying hello, how are they getting on, how much we miss each other and so on ... bla bla bla...
But of course this one is not so much about me but about my wife's friends wedding. We all went to Damansara Palace, the restaurant is at kota Damansara area where the famous flash flood next to the Shell station the restaurant was located. It was a typical High End Chinese Restaurant, with some nice setting up. same as usual
So we had a sort of like chinese dinner style, rice. and dishes, Of course not missing the lo sang
I hope that i m right at this, as i came to know as someone told me Lo Sang originated from Malaysia, some chef had the idea of mixing some leftover ingredients after or probably before new year and thought of not wasting it and created a dish for himself so as it has become a required dish during chinese new year
So dont know when it started onwards,everyone had :Lo Sang, It can range from very expensive to cheap Rm 20.00 take away kind of Lo Sang... another word is Yee Sang. You know, Chinese people believe in what ever things you tell them as long as the things you tell them has got to do with Prosperity and happiness. Wether the Lo Sang works for you or not? no one knows, what i know is that it taste good and yearly i can look forward towards this nice dish.
Lo Sang, Dish, as you can see , its full with goodies like Salmon, sengkuang. Some red things dont know what, nice crackers. jelly fish, coriander, sliced ginger, peanuts, sesame seeds... and so on... with sauce...all mix into one nice platter like the how you eat? this is how you eat, you toss them up into the air with your chopsticks and wish what ever you want to be or have or do this year....
so the action of tossing it up is known as Lo, or mix it up.. Sang i have no idea... probably it meant raw or fresh new year...
Mean while i got full time using my new DSLR and had so much fun with it..... then of course im still learning so pictures were taken not like a pro but a journey becoming a pro....
After dinner, as usual and i had mention earlier that it was cum with gathering.. so it must have some night activities, as you would have guess it we head to the nearest pub... Library, newly open and packed with plenty of young people,,, cool place to hang out as long as you fall within 18 years to 40 years of age... dont know why but everyone there is young... No hanky panky in this place, pure, clean and straight forward..
Some one intended to treat us with this Scottish whiskey so i will not refuse to try it. infact ended up with 2 bottle of it.. its nice and aromatic but not as nice as my smokey 18 years highland park scotch whiskey. Who cares i get to try it out. On the rocks and with water, taste not bad but no special signature.
The whiskey glasses that we had. it was nice using my flash and diffuser which i bought a few days ago, so that i can get some nice effect with it. Like this one.. with yellow diffuser and low flash compensation. Nice yellow glow on the whiskey.
Music is loud and its a place for live band, football fanatics, great chicks who wanna have great time, this is the place to be.
So if you are one of those categories you can hang out great time here, Well we left after that, with plenty of tears and hugging and as usual bye bye, as i wanna go home and sleep...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni, Xin Nian Tau
Well , this coming weekend chinese all over the world will celebrate of the new year. This time it happened to be the year of the Tiger. Well to me it dont make any difference as this year and last year plus the year before was about the same. Only difference its getting better every year. Probably Im on my way into mid life that's why when you reach your mid age, your life is either ok or not ok, I'm Making mine now, and i made some promises to myself when i reach at a certain age i must achieve this and that if not im backlog in my Timeline,
So whats up in the year of the Tiger? i dont really know, all i know is Less people will get married, this year as the tiger is very fierce, Probably the old folks fear those who tied the knot this year probably will fight a lot, and wont admit defeat, Tiger mah.. Todays news, i read orang asli was bitten by tiger, cant remember if the tiger had a revenge on the orang asli,
that matter aside, besides love life, many people or philosophers around the world predicts this year will be another hectic year for the USA, as their peace will be interrupted, i wonder is that true. Lets watch and see shall we. Obama is fighting like crazy there, hope nothing happens so that no on wins. Anyway there is nothing to win, just everyone loses in a conflict of interest. Thats is what makes life so interesting.
As for me, 2010, will be an even exciting year for me as there are many upcoming projects my company plan to do for me, And i have my personal plan as well. So it will be another exciting year for me, 2009 was great and fun, a bit monotonous but overall everything was satisfying.
As for me at the moment, getting ready for chinese new year, just another year for me, Probably this year will have plenty of nice photos to share around especially with the new DSLR.
See ya soon. and Happy Chinese New year to everyone around the world. Gong hei Fat Chai. Hoi Hoi sam sam ko yat nin.
So whats up in the year of the Tiger? i dont really know, all i know is Less people will get married, this year as the tiger is very fierce, Probably the old folks fear those who tied the knot this year probably will fight a lot, and wont admit defeat, Tiger mah.. Todays news, i read orang asli was bitten by tiger, cant remember if the tiger had a revenge on the orang asli,
that matter aside, besides love life, many people or philosophers around the world predicts this year will be another hectic year for the USA, as their peace will be interrupted, i wonder is that true. Lets watch and see shall we. Obama is fighting like crazy there, hope nothing happens so that no on wins. Anyway there is nothing to win, just everyone loses in a conflict of interest. Thats is what makes life so interesting.
As for me, 2010, will be an even exciting year for me as there are many upcoming projects my company plan to do for me, And i have my personal plan as well. So it will be another exciting year for me, 2009 was great and fun, a bit monotonous but overall everything was satisfying.
As for me at the moment, getting ready for chinese new year, just another year for me, Probably this year will have plenty of nice photos to share around especially with the new DSLR.
See ya soon. and Happy Chinese New year to everyone around the world. Gong hei Fat Chai. Hoi Hoi sam sam ko yat nin.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Some photos with my new DSLR
Well, as i said some time ago, everyone around has a DSLR, and i went to get one myself, i have been busy taking, snapping photos around, and i had some experience i wanna share. Of course i use this blog to record my journey and i want to put this DSLR story part of it,
DSLR is something where me and my wife enjoy a lot, i like playing with the camera, and my wife loves to post. of course till i become an semi expert in photo taking i will take a whole lot of her pictures,
So for the time being, my models are plants, babies, cups, pizzas, and anything under the roof. hehe
Well as you know, i got my D90 last sunday, and on monday i was playing, tuesday i was also playing till the auto focus motor fried. Why, i also dont know, play till kau kau, i think, the motor cannot take it, hahaha, anyway i was a bit disappointed, but the Manual Focus is still working, no big deal but need to do it myself,
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Laws of Attraction
Most of you may have come across this Law, some of you may not like this law, but let me tell you, it exist.
For me, the law works, i may not have full control of the law, but it does work only i cant tell when and when will it work.
So i will just share how does the law work and hopefully you can practice it too, and benefit from it.
This Law exist thousands of years ago, when life existed, The only thing is that dinasours didnt knew about it so as the early ancestors. I cannot tell you when exactly human came to found it, but today the Law is out.
If you would have watch the documentary film The Secret it explains that many great human being knew about the law, and used it to benefit for themselves. Dating back to ancient times, the law was somehow being suppressed. Somehow today in the 21st century, many people are exposed to this law. With internet, and the ease of information availability.
How does this law work.
1) we have to understand our mind is a very powerful antenna. Sending information into the universe on our daily activities.
2) what we see is what we manifest. It means what ever you see is what you will get. the vision affects the signal that you sent into the universe.
3) When your desire of getting something, or achieve something, grows together with the things you see and want, the law will take into action. Feeling is important, the feeling of wanting, the urge of having it, and the feeling of happiness being able to own or experience it.
4) Then when you are about to achieve the desire you want, hurdles will come into way, and because you feel negative, "this doesn't work" then the universe says ok, you dont want it i take it away.
5) but if you continue, desiring, manifesting, and feeling confident, and work towards it, then you will achieve what ever you want. Then that is when the law of attraction works with your alignment.
In this law, the 5 statement above will lead you to achieving the law, that is if you know what i was talking about.
the law is for you to experience, then only you will know and understand why it works. Sometime it works, but sometime it doesn't. You should not worry, as time will pass and you will be able to understand this law.
So how to use this law.
1) Think about the things you want. Only the things you want. Dont think about the things you dont want.
2) speak of the things you want. your desire. and what is it that you can have.
"Eg: If you like Audi A4, talk about it. Why do you like it? Whats is the top speed? Whats the feeling if you are driving it? Can you feel the car infront of you. Can you feel yourself driving it. "
these helps to strengthen the urge and desire and manifestation of the Law, the attraction that you are sending.
3) only think positive about the things you want. You know it will work, and deep down in the heart, you will make it work, then the law will work.
I bet in life, you have plenty of friends that loves to express their problems. and the issues about the things they dont like. The always feel that their life is not fair, and why are they being treated like that. What they dont know is that they are attracting more of what they dont want. By complaining, fretting and talking to others about your problems, you intensify your problem even more. Then you will get more of what you dont want and more of that will come to you.
When you feel sad, and telling people about your problem, telling and fretting about it, Stop.!
Move a step backward, and rephrase your sentences and thinking so that you can focus on the things that you want.
By doing this you will avoid being a problem to others. So as to sent less bad signal into the universe.
So be happy, think positive on the things you want, be determined and you will get what you think you deserve. Trust me, it works
happy trying!
For me, the law works, i may not have full control of the law, but it does work only i cant tell when and when will it work.
So i will just share how does the law work and hopefully you can practice it too, and benefit from it.
This Law exist thousands of years ago, when life existed, The only thing is that dinasours didnt knew about it so as the early ancestors. I cannot tell you when exactly human came to found it, but today the Law is out.
If you would have watch the documentary film The Secret it explains that many great human being knew about the law, and used it to benefit for themselves. Dating back to ancient times, the law was somehow being suppressed. Somehow today in the 21st century, many people are exposed to this law. With internet, and the ease of information availability.
How does this law work.
1) we have to understand our mind is a very powerful antenna. Sending information into the universe on our daily activities.
2) what we see is what we manifest. It means what ever you see is what you will get. the vision affects the signal that you sent into the universe.
3) When your desire of getting something, or achieve something, grows together with the things you see and want, the law will take into action. Feeling is important, the feeling of wanting, the urge of having it, and the feeling of happiness being able to own or experience it.
4) Then when you are about to achieve the desire you want, hurdles will come into way, and because you feel negative, "this doesn't work" then the universe says ok, you dont want it i take it away.
5) but if you continue, desiring, manifesting, and feeling confident, and work towards it, then you will achieve what ever you want. Then that is when the law of attraction works with your alignment.
In this law, the 5 statement above will lead you to achieving the law, that is if you know what i was talking about.
the law is for you to experience, then only you will know and understand why it works. Sometime it works, but sometime it doesn't. You should not worry, as time will pass and you will be able to understand this law.
So how to use this law.
1) Think about the things you want. Only the things you want. Dont think about the things you dont want.
2) speak of the things you want. your desire. and what is it that you can have.
"Eg: If you like Audi A4, talk about it. Why do you like it? Whats is the top speed? Whats the feeling if you are driving it? Can you feel the car infront of you. Can you feel yourself driving it. "
these helps to strengthen the urge and desire and manifestation of the Law, the attraction that you are sending.
3) only think positive about the things you want. You know it will work, and deep down in the heart, you will make it work, then the law will work.
I bet in life, you have plenty of friends that loves to express their problems. and the issues about the things they dont like. The always feel that their life is not fair, and why are they being treated like that. What they dont know is that they are attracting more of what they dont want. By complaining, fretting and talking to others about your problems, you intensify your problem even more. Then you will get more of what you dont want and more of that will come to you.
When you feel sad, and telling people about your problem, telling and fretting about it, Stop.!
Move a step backward, and rephrase your sentences and thinking so that you can focus on the things that you want.
By doing this you will avoid being a problem to others. So as to sent less bad signal into the universe.
So be happy, think positive on the things you want, be determined and you will get what you think you deserve. Trust me, it works
happy trying!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
another new toy

Well yes, just got this thing, nice nice, its a DSLR, and its a NIKON. Without further a do i would like to introduce you a D90, with a 18mm to 105mm kit lens. Interesting, My friend, Simon had told me that i should do with a 18mm to 200mm lens, Due to budget issue and also the price of a 18mm to 200mm lens is extremely expensive, i had to go for the kit lens.

Between D90 and 50D from Canon i felt that i was the Nikon guy, as i had one round of crash introduction in Harvey Norman last night, and also a crash course from Simon Saturday Afternoon playing with his D300 which he happened own one, Somehow everyone around us has a DSLR so i was thinking how cant i miss this thing,
we were building a computer and went to lowyat to get some HD. Along the way back we went to the camera section, they had some camera clearance sale, so i went to ask how much was D90. i was offered 4100, with kit lens and so on.
I had asked for a 200mm lens and was quoted RM 5599, so i was told that it was cheap, the lens with a VR 2 nikon ori lens, 18 200 mm was about 2500, as the body was at 3000 presumebly,
comes with a bag, tripod, UV protector, and 4 gb card and so on. interesting price
My heart went beating wanting this unit, so cheap, all new, in harvey norman i was quoted same things but at 4488 for a 18 105 lens. So expesive in Harvey Norman,
went to another shop in Lowyat, probably having the same promo. D90 was at 3899. with all those i mention,
Didnt bothered, went home, told wife, and went back to lowyat, long story short, went to the shop again, ask more question, manage to talk to some consumer using some nice camera,
Asked for their advice, 18 105 is good enough to start with, then go for 70 300mm later,
and he was also using a D90 surprise surprise, and packed with a 70 300 lens. His friend was using a 50D which was a canon.
great ppl and their advise was honest, So i went to discuss to get more things, and then said went to makan and shopping, first,
While eating, my mind was thinking to get 200mm or not, or just settle with the 105mm will do, then what to do next time, whats the upgrade, this and that, i knew that i want a D90 body, but which lens, Thats the problem, thanks to Mr Simon partly to let me know the capabilites of the 200mm lens, which in the end i felt the price to pay for a new 200mm lens, is way too expensive for my level, So i intend to get it later or straight 70 300mm later,
Finally went back to the shop again, the salesman was so glad to see me, and i had requested him to show me wide angle, 18 200mm VS 18 105, and final price bargain and goodies.,
Ultimately i got a 8 gb , tripod, camera, cleaning kit, and screen protector, and thats all, i think all in for 3900, which i paid 3978 for Credit card, which i intended to installment for 3 years or so, hey im no rich man ,, i got to go for this installment plans,
So now i own one, and thats a cool one, good enough to join the NIKON gang, haha, welcome me, all nikon users, here i come,, eh, i still new here, so only know how to tekan tekan, but dont know how to yet, so more lessons from Mr Simon next week,,,
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hifi, what kind of genre are you.
A great hifi, must come with great music, if not there wont be a purpose of the hifi, I cannot categorize myself as a serious listener, because of my habit of listening to all sorts of kinds of genre
Serious listeners are, turn off lights while listening, listen to certain kind of tracks or songs to pint point problems and performance of a system. And keep listening to the same old track till they can sing the songs backwards
Unfortunately i can sometimes listen seriously but never for long hours, i used to be a serious listener, but i got tired along the way. I got lost and tired. So i turn myself into a listener but must have the basics of great reproduction. The system must reproduce the sound which it was intended to by the musician and the recording engineer. As i had stop serious hifi for a while i went for some live performance, whether classical or live band, jazz music, club music, my friend, David told me, what hifi.... this is hifi and it is live playing right infront of you. It was a pub with a live band, IT struck my mind, well hmmm, what he say is true, Live music is live, no one talks about staging how far the singer from you, where is drum the guitar, Heck the music just came from the front and it had no such thing as a stage.
Some of the CD that i have at the moment
David Foster, nice live performance, from the DVD, but this is pop and bass.
This is Dave Brubeck, a different kind of Jazz music, its mainly music, no singing, But the beat makes you hand move while listening, very enjoyable music, some think this kind of music is very messy, Jazz is very different kind of music, Track 3 is the famous one. Ok for someone who loves jazz and likes some beat. Also suitable for night listening as well.
This 2 cds, are bass testing CD's. The manger cd has more test track, as it is a sampler CD, pricey at about RM70 now, i cant remember how much i paid, but it was not cheap also. The track has classical, jazz, vocal, bass, and more bass, try from track 11 onwards if you dont like classical, but make sure you fasten you seatbelt first before listening.
He Xiun tian is more like a monk and praying music. Some say they attract spirit if you listen to it too often. "O mi to fo.... " anyways its a great cd to test, Track 2 track 7 and last track are my favourite. the bass just keep coming, beware of track 2 and 7 as they are really bassy, wife annoyance factor, which is your wife will kill you... if you listen to those track.... "very noisy ah darling"
These 2 cd's will come to the rescue if wife or mom starts scolding you. This are night listening and pint point error correction Cd's uncles loves them very much so as auntie. Because the Cd are in mandrin and plus its their taste. Uncles buy 100k system to play these 2 cd's. Just to bring Chai Ching and Teresa Teng back to life. Really, 100k system can bring Teresa Teng standing right in front of you.
Zee Avi is kind of different, I dont really know them, but listening to her album, they are very modern, got good stuff in them and they make their own music. I dont really listen to artist who sings other people or dead people songs, unless they are dam good, but for Zee Avi i respect their status here, and i go all out to buy the ori cd, yes we hifi kaki loves ori cd, they are different.
No pirate here, all ori, plus supporting Zee Avi i hope she and her gang make more music even fancier than me and fav song Kantoi. hahahaha, i just love it, you should listen to her Kantoi song.
This is one album, which i dont know how it got here, probably my dad got it at a great price, I had pop in this cd curiously wondering what is it all about, in my younger serios listening years, i aviod such music. Becasue it is rock, i had the mentality that hifi not suitable for rock, because very noisy, that was the time my knowledge that was so shallow, that i m so glad im free from it now. So stupid of me to think of like that, if so today i will be under the tempurung deep down no rope can save me, thank goodness i got tired of listening too seriously and ventured into a different direction..
So what im now, im like NEO, free, i can fly,,, haha, no lah, im not that great yet, i only know what and how, but not know why...
i still cannot place great position of speakers. But at least i know what is good sound, and what i want.
So what i want.
I want idealy an all in one system, best of the best, great dynamics, superb vocal, speed and transient, hard to find but they are in the upper level expensive stuff.
But i have found one that i like, JPW mini monitor, so thats what i will stick to for the moment,
happy listening
Serious listeners are, turn off lights while listening, listen to certain kind of tracks or songs to pint point problems and performance of a system. And keep listening to the same old track till they can sing the songs backwards
Unfortunately i can sometimes listen seriously but never for long hours, i used to be a serious listener, but i got tired along the way. I got lost and tired. So i turn myself into a listener but must have the basics of great reproduction. The system must reproduce the sound which it was intended to by the musician and the recording engineer. As i had stop serious hifi for a while i went for some live performance, whether classical or live band, jazz music, club music, my friend, David told me, what hifi.... this is hifi and it is live playing right infront of you. It was a pub with a live band, IT struck my mind, well hmmm, what he say is true, Live music is live, no one talks about staging how far the singer from you, where is drum the guitar, Heck the music just came from the front and it had no such thing as a stage.

That kept me thinking. Sometime during my hifi journey, i had the chance to be introduced into Naim, i have never understood why naim is a kind of system that not everyone can and know how to and will appretiate a Naim system, I was amaze how naim can reproduce live band, which was what it was meant best to do, if you want to listen to chai ching on a naim, is like chai ching is having a bad day trying so sing to you,
In a live performance, bass usually overwhelms the highs. That why the drum keep thumping on your heart and trying to dislodge it from you. But thats live music.
At my mids of studies, i had some 3 months break, i took a job in KLCC selling retail items,
I was exposed to KLCC famous philharmonic ochestra the MPO, thats the very first time i had myself another live performance. I kept going for performances, like it or not, i had the chance to sit on the golden sit a long time ago, thanks to mr lai,KH with his subject classical or literature appretiation class, they had a nice big tour to MPO and there was when i had the first exposure.
In a live performance, bass usually overwhelms the highs. That why the drum keep thumping on your heart and trying to dislodge it from you. But thats live music.
At my mids of studies, i had some 3 months break, i took a job in KLCC selling retail items,
I was exposed to KLCC famous philharmonic ochestra the MPO, thats the very first time i had myself another live performance. I kept going for performances, like it or not, i had the chance to sit on the golden sit a long time ago, thanks to mr lai,KH with his subject classical or literature appretiation class, they had a nice big tour to MPO and there was when i had the first exposure.

David Foster is really famous, he composes a lot of songs which are used in movies here and there, also for plenty of very famous singers like Celine Dion.Great album to buy, because if you like pop and live music this is the one, plus it comes pack with a DVD
This 2 cds, are bass testing CD's. The manger cd has more test track, as it is a sampler CD, pricey at about RM70 now, i cant remember how much i paid, but it was not cheap also. The track has classical, jazz, vocal, bass, and more bass, try from track 11 onwards if you dont like classical, but make sure you fasten you seatbelt first before listening.
He Xiun tian is more like a monk and praying music. Some say they attract spirit if you listen to it too often. "O mi to fo.... " anyways its a great cd to test, Track 2 track 7 and last track are my favourite. the bass just keep coming, beware of track 2 and 7 as they are really bassy, wife annoyance factor, which is your wife will kill you... if you listen to those track.... "very noisy ah darling"
These 2 cd's will come to the rescue if wife or mom starts scolding you. This are night listening and pint point error correction Cd's uncles loves them very much so as auntie. Because the Cd are in mandrin and plus its their taste. Uncles buy 100k system to play these 2 cd's. Just to bring Chai Ching and Teresa Teng back to life. Really, 100k system can bring Teresa Teng standing right in front of you.
Zee Avi is kind of different, I dont really know them, but listening to her album, they are very modern, got good stuff in them and they make their own music. I dont really listen to artist who sings other people or dead people songs, unless they are dam good, but for Zee Avi i respect their status here, and i go all out to buy the ori cd, yes we hifi kaki loves ori cd, they are different.
No pirate here, all ori, plus supporting Zee Avi i hope she and her gang make more music even fancier than me and fav song Kantoi. hahahaha, i just love it, you should listen to her Kantoi song.
This is one album, which i dont know how it got here, probably my dad got it at a great price, I had pop in this cd curiously wondering what is it all about, in my younger serios listening years, i aviod such music. Becasue it is rock, i had the mentality that hifi not suitable for rock, because very noisy, that was the time my knowledge that was so shallow, that i m so glad im free from it now. So stupid of me to think of like that, if so today i will be under the tempurung deep down no rope can save me, thank goodness i got tired of listening too seriously and ventured into a different direction..
So what im now, im like NEO, free, i can fly,,, haha, no lah, im not that great yet, i only know what and how, but not know why...
i still cannot place great position of speakers. But at least i know what is good sound, and what i want.
So what i want.
I want idealy an all in one system, best of the best, great dynamics, superb vocal, speed and transient, hard to find but they are in the upper level expensive stuff.
But i have found one that i like, JPW mini monitor, so thats what i will stick to for the moment,
happy listening
Thursday, January 14, 2010
My very first Hifi Audio
Im glad to announce that i have officially own a hifi set, i have been looking for many months and years on a suitable setup for my room. I have one downstairs but thats for watching movies.
But this room set is different, place in my master room," current plan" so that me and my wife can spend time togather in the same room. Hifi is a kind of hobby that sometimes causes the hubby and the wife to be separated for about 7 to 6 hours when the enthusiast puts his or her ears into work. "listening to hifi," but i told my wife that i will put the setup into the master room first so that she also can be with me when i listen to music as well.
So What did i buy and why did i buy it?
I was visiting harry yesterday, like any other day, and he was installing a projector and we chit chat, spoke to some Campbell hifi kaki uncle. And then came, Mr Foo and his friend Syed. Syed was looking for something, So Mr Foo told Harry to put up the Polk audio 10b. So i told Syed very keng, bass kau kau, and you will love it.
We hooked it up and listen to some songs. I was at Harry's office desk surfing internet, not really bothered about the polk audio. Then Mr Foo asked a question, if i had visited Kl Audio Doctor Blogspot.
I said, yes, why not. So he proudly show me which was his setup, and it was Kajang Foo setup. A Ho's LS3/5A kaki. wow, what a small world. We chatted and he exchanged some info, Had a lot of chit chat. and most of all after listening to the Polk audio he ask to turn on the JPW mini monitor.
I was still not paying much attention about the Mini Monitor until Mr Foo, tap at my hand, eh, listen to this. So i stop and listened and when the music played, I was like Wow, Speechless, nothing that i wanted to comment, as i had nothing to comment, I was speechless..
It played so well, the bass was like i have never listen, the speed, and the vocal was like all in one package. Best of all, it was only using some cheap speaker cables, plus a simple Sansui Au 317 amp. Old amp, and Cd player was a So so Sony CD77 ES. The one i wanted to buy from Harry a long time ago, because of the 5 cd;s it can take, For my setup downstairs.
We crank the amp out loud till 12 o clock and the speaker went on, no signs of breaking down. Harry was worried it may blow the JPW mini monitor, but Mr Foo was saying, he was not worried about the speaker. Because he knew how much the speaker can handle, only thing can the amp handle the speaker. The amp will blow first before the speaker.
I was busy choosing my CD;s to test and listen to it, and i my mind was how does it sound like in this CD, this song , this track. I was Excited.
This was what i was looking for. MR Foo said, this speaker worth to buy and keep. Yes in fact it is. Because Mr Foo and his gang owns the same speaker.
So Said and Mr Foo listen and after that they went of.
After they left, i told Harry's worker to pack the speaker, the amp and the cd player up, im taking it. So harry was not really surprise, but was smiling at me and told said to me, you have eventualy found what you want, I'm a fussy person, i like listening to music, plus i have many criteria in a setup if it were to pass my gold standards. I dont have space, to speakers too big are not suitable for me. Plus i fell in love with Pink Triangle Ventrical, but it needed a lot of juice to push to make it shine.
JPW Mini Monitor was different, you have some juice, it will shine, good enough. Most amazingly i get the tramendous bass response that i have never some across in so far of my hif journey.
I had made the right choice, i hope so far, and i was ennjoying the bass, treble, and vocal of the system. Fate or whatever you call it, " law of attraction"
I had Mr foo came into the shop, hooked the speaker up, not for me intentionally but im the owner now of this great small speaker.
Thank you MR Kajang Foo, visit for more info
I cannot understand how a small speaker like this can produce sound like this, so i will have to venture into understanding why a speaker can be design in such a way to reproduce such sound that can make a person so crazy
I cannot believe it, the speaker just move, plus my amp is just a sansui amp, no big deal amp, plus a vintage one, also not a 100 watter, how come this speaker so dam keng?
I m just blowing myself away,
Langkawi, I Just Love it part 1
Well my pictures i think it is placed backwards, so i will just explain when you read along.
So i had a very enjoyable trip to Langkawi, very enjoyable, me and my wife just love Langkawi now. Thats because everytime we go there we get to enjoy the things we like.
The Last time we went was last year July, Stayed in Awana Resort, ok, nice and simple, cool also, Most importantly was the chocolate and the alcohol that made us kept coming back. I love to drink, not an addict buy for pleasure of my taste towards high quality spirit. Last time i had my very first Single Malt wisky, Enjoyed it very much, this time i got myself a Contreau Orange Liquour, very nice with tonic, been drinking the last 2 days already, The other nice spirit is the korean plum liquour .
This time round we get to stay in Berjaya Resort Langkawi. Thats why my wife is so excited about it, i m also excited as well, as i have never stayed in a resort thats 5 bintang before. Its something of a life time experience for me, The berjaya is located in Pantai Kok somewhere west of the island, about 20 min slow drive from Airport, and 30 min to Kuah town, bring along a GPS is you have one, so that journey wont be so annoying, Langkawi is not very big but there some roads to recognise.
Our chalet is not on water, ours is located in the jungle. Where monkey and birds with insects and centipede roam. Well the jungle is really cooling, and it has the surround sound of insect and cicada sound 24 hours round, can you imagine what im trying to describe here.
Berjaya resort is really a nice cool place to go, although situated in a zon of inconvinience but spending the time there is really worth the trip. Nothing that i would like to complain about, just the food, if you have a car then it is really much easier. The kuai lo walk all the way from Berjaya for about 3 km or so to get to food, and in the dark, i think i m damm lucky to have rent a car because they probably have the slightest idea that the place is so secluded that food is difficult to find. of course i meant good cheap food, not hotel boring always the same menu food.
First night we were in Kuah so we had seafood, tiger prawn, sotong, seafood taufu, and some sort of mussel, reconmended by the chef.
The swiming pool is great, the water isnt that clean but heck, the view and layout is cool. plenty of green and plus a nice view of the hill, where the cable car is, at the background. There is a bar at the swiming pool, like most 5 bintang they serve drinks, where the kuai lo loves to drink when the soak themselves in the water. hehe, hardly see them swim, mainly peluk here and there and then relax at the bench, and read some book, most of them are obese. some are nice also, dont like that, not all of them are fat mah, but mainly fat lah.
Our chalet is 3197, situated midway into the jungle route. Its not very big, but it is very cozy, comes with a nice balcony, where you can relax and take a time out observing nature and looking at time passing by,
We had simple lunch and breakfast, but the idea came from my wife taking bread there and Ritz biscuit, with Ayam Brand tuna spread, we took 4 cans there bought in Tesco Setia Alam.
At least we get to enjoy our meals on the nice balcony,
On the second day, monkey came and infiltrate our balcony, leaving us trap inside the room. I had the sense that there were caught with the tuna smell,
Bath room is simple, like any other hotel , nothing to boast about

bedroom came with twin bed, dont ask, but they joined it in the end.,
The ride is nice, feeling very important and like a great service to the guest, but workers there are polite and nice, and very helpful. of course we paid so much for it.
Kuah town is the same as usual we know our way in and out, i had remembered every shop position , no problem with knowing which shop had what chocolate cheaper and when are the expriry date. hehe, that small..
Eagle square, we went there at last, The last time we practically didnt go anywhere, not like a tourist, As july was raining some days, making us feeling very homely. this time January, the sun is out there cooking the skin of who ever expose themselves, like me, really hot, killing hot, but it does complement the day by having nice blue sky great for photo sessions...
More to come in part 2
So i had a very enjoyable trip to Langkawi, very enjoyable, me and my wife just love Langkawi now. Thats because everytime we go there we get to enjoy the things we like.
The Last time we went was last year July, Stayed in Awana Resort, ok, nice and simple, cool also, Most importantly was the chocolate and the alcohol that made us kept coming back. I love to drink, not an addict buy for pleasure of my taste towards high quality spirit. Last time i had my very first Single Malt wisky, Enjoyed it very much, this time i got myself a Contreau Orange Liquour, very nice with tonic, been drinking the last 2 days already, The other nice spirit is the korean plum liquour .
This time round we get to stay in Berjaya Resort Langkawi. Thats why my wife is so excited about it, i m also excited as well, as i have never stayed in a resort thats 5 bintang before. Its something of a life time experience for me, The berjaya is located in Pantai Kok somewhere west of the island, about 20 min slow drive from Airport, and 30 min to Kuah town, bring along a GPS is you have one, so that journey wont be so annoying, Langkawi is not very big but there some roads to recognise.
Our chalet is not on water, ours is located in the jungle. Where monkey and birds with insects and centipede roam. Well the jungle is really cooling, and it has the surround sound of insect and cicada sound 24 hours round, can you imagine what im trying to describe here.
Berjaya resort is really a nice cool place to go, although situated in a zon of inconvinience but spending the time there is really worth the trip. Nothing that i would like to complain about, just the food, if you have a car then it is really much easier. The kuai lo walk all the way from Berjaya for about 3 km or so to get to food, and in the dark, i think i m damm lucky to have rent a car because they probably have the slightest idea that the place is so secluded that food is difficult to find. of course i meant good cheap food, not hotel boring always the same menu food.
First night we were in Kuah so we had seafood, tiger prawn, sotong, seafood taufu, and some sort of mussel, reconmended by the chef.
The swiming pool is great, the water isnt that clean but heck, the view and layout is cool. plenty of green and plus a nice view of the hill, where the cable car is, at the background. There is a bar at the swiming pool, like most 5 bintang they serve drinks, where the kuai lo loves to drink when the soak themselves in the water. hehe, hardly see them swim, mainly peluk here and there and then relax at the bench, and read some book, most of them are obese. some are nice also, dont like that, not all of them are fat mah, but mainly fat lah.
Our chalet is 3197, situated midway into the jungle route. Its not very big, but it is very cozy, comes with a nice balcony, where you can relax and take a time out observing nature and looking at time passing by,
We had simple lunch and breakfast, but the idea came from my wife taking bread there and Ritz biscuit, with Ayam Brand tuna spread, we took 4 cans there bought in Tesco Setia Alam.
At least we get to enjoy our meals on the nice balcony,
On the second day, monkey came and infiltrate our balcony, leaving us trap inside the room. I had the sense that there were caught with the tuna smell,
Bath room is simple, like any other hotel , nothing to boast about
When you are at the lobby, you have to take a shuttle bus to the chalet, its a very big resort so its kind of a long walk climbing hill to the chalet, so most of the time we take the shuttle to the lobby and to the chalet.
More to come in part 2
Friday, January 8, 2010
volvo a new look ?
Volvo, when someone hears about the name they will think that it is a ugly, boring, uncle looking and pathetic looking car. Well 10 years ago, yeah thats right. Volvo is a Sweedish auto maker that is probably the only one last surviving of its kind, Saab has unknown future but to be owned by someone, Koenigsagg if i spell it right has nothing to do with this segment, plus unless you are a fan of the Koenigs you probably never bothered Volvo, a Koenig super car cost 3 mil and more.
But things have change today in Volvo's design, making them one of the very sexy car to drive on the road, Somewhat evolve from the past and has come into the future.
Well, in the olden days, you wanna buy a safe car , buy Volvo, they are made with real metal, cause i remember in the days, ppl never die in Volvo, plus the 240 looks like a coffin, cantonese, Kun Choi che,,,, and so it does, if you ride in a 240, you are really driving a coffin....
Those were the days, boxy, boring, and ugly, girls hate them, and no one likes them, only those who bought them saw the 240 differently, The 240 has a legandary engine, until today, it still runs on the Malaysian roads, Plus it roars louder than the Merc old diesel engine,,, so like more garang the engine..... vrooonmmmmm like that,, then very powerful, at 2.4 l engine it is power...
Then came the 940 era and the 740 era, One thing i do respect a volvo car is that they top up with low compression turbo in assisting the power delievery. This is one way to improve power with a lower engine.... I think cars that come with low compression turbo are great buy cars,
like the Audi A4 1.8T, volvo s40 2.0T and so on and so on,,, mainly European cars.
It like getting 150 horses with a 1.8l engine. Its a bargain.
After the 740 and 940 came the S range which is the Sedan model, a new breed of Volvo is being born, and shapes started to evolve, The boxy ugly shape is no more there, but the coffin odd shape shape still remain in the modern or current design.
All new S80, Beautiful, can you imagine the changes it went though, But it has a dramatic change in shape and features, plus more added goodies into it, i was totally impressed with this model.

and then the future comes into Volvo, an all new outlook, with a different shape DNA all thanks to Steve Mattin, the lead designer of the new Volvo XC 60, S60 and probably this C30.

The powershift gear,
S60 all new one coming to you very soon.

XC 60, i saw one today, infact i dont see so many of them on the roads yet altought is about 6 momths since its launch here in Malaysia. But is sure look good when you see the real one

Well i will update more, cause im in a hurry to catch a plane to Langkawi, i will edit this more and tell you what is so exciting about Volvo, hang on there,,
But things have change today in Volvo's design, making them one of the very sexy car to drive on the road, Somewhat evolve from the past and has come into the future.
Well, in the olden days, you wanna buy a safe car , buy Volvo, they are made with real metal, cause i remember in the days, ppl never die in Volvo, plus the 240 looks like a coffin, cantonese, Kun Choi che,,,, and so it does, if you ride in a 240, you are really driving a coffin....
Those were the days, boxy, boring, and ugly, girls hate them, and no one likes them, only those who bought them saw the 240 differently, The 240 has a legandary engine, until today, it still runs on the Malaysian roads, Plus it roars louder than the Merc old diesel engine,,, so like more garang the engine..... vrooonmmmmm like that,, then very powerful, at 2.4 l engine it is power...

like the Audi A4 1.8T, volvo s40 2.0T and so on and so on,,, mainly European cars.
It like getting 150 horses with a 1.8l engine. Its a bargain.

Well i will update more, cause im in a hurry to catch a plane to Langkawi, i will edit this more and tell you what is so exciting about Volvo, hang on there,,
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