Best of times worst of times, Life is always facing its up and downs, although i try not to think of the down ones at least to keep myself moving forward like Toyota although Toyota has a major breakdown in the company.
But no one cares, people still buy Toyota cars. What is there, Honda also got recall, same with Nissan as well.
So in my life also is like toyota, honda and nissan, Although my recalls are not as serious as them but recalls that i have are quite serious saying as well, Especially when it comes to money, no one is easy on it. Everyone has a intention of getting the cheapest they can get. You see, i have been writing casually on my data which i started quite some time ago, collecting all the stupid mistakes i made and recalls i have and the things i think about this life. Not everyone will enjoy what i say, or agree to it, some may think i'm a stupid fellow that shouldn't be born in this world. Yes i struggle, still making mistakes but improving every time of it. Somehow life either hates me and make me feel like i probably shouldn't be living in this wonderful world.
as i go on with my current life, things tumble down and sometimes down down down till i feel that what the hell am i doing here. Don't you think that i should be leaving this world to allow more air for others to breathe. Somehow i find myself not be able to be like a normal person, not with the normal thinking IQ status. I somehow is below average in Life but above average when it comes to other things like philosophy, theories, technologies, astro physics. i love science. i love them so much, but i m no prover, which means useless unless you can show and prove that it is right. Imagination and brain storming i m good, but my thoughts are given to others to benefit but not on me. Whats the point right ?
So that is why you will think where in the world is there such a stupid person. Sad Sad... how come my natural born brain works in the wrong manner? Even sadder. I dream and think a lot. Sometimes thinking what the hell i'm doing here.
Well with all those ding dong and bing bang that i experience, life also does treat me well, of course not as good as some people where they are bundled with Joy, Money "loads of it", looks, well being and come with high acceptance level by society. I happen to be the none of those. I was born in a very well behave family. My dad is great, better than a lot people out there. My mum is even better. As they age they are much more open minded and leave things to us. I love them also a lot. Sometimes i wonder if they are sad when i'm not around. So i tend to come back often to visit them, At least they dont miss me so much and wondering how i'm doing. Sadly i couldn't provide them with the luxury of life like buy them new nice big cars. Give them money, loads of it, Sent them to holiday everywhere in the world, let them live a happy life. It is very unfortunate that i ended up with a mediocre life, not knowing how to make the lump sump of money. 30 years has passed i'm not even close becoming a millionaire. While some people are on their way to become one, I m still here struggling with life. Trying to get the best out of it.
I must say i respect my parents like no one else on earth is better than them. Not just they gave me my life, and built me, but they never asked back, as they know i m not capable of doing so. In this kind of situation i presume i'm much better than a lot of people out there.
I m lucky that i dont come from a broken life, but i'm not so lucky that i was not trained to be a better more cunning and packed with common sense kind of person. I wonder how do i survive in my life. Guess it is just pure pressure that kept me pushing on.
I understand now how life works. At least probably 0.00001% ~0% of it.
I discover that money is everything. Yes argue with me,." money is not everything." but it is, and our life revolves around money. Let me give you a scenario. Please open your mind and think about it.
If a person has so much of money, for example you are being given USD10 billion, your life change in an instant, you will walk up straight heads up like an army marching. You will walk like you are on top of the world. You will smile at everyone. Even the ones that hate you so much.
Your finger is like the magic wand, each and everything you point at, you will get or have it. No matter how much does it cost. Everything in our society is built in terms of making money, nothing in this world is built priceless or unique where no money can buy. Its just the right price to pay for it, to compensate for it.
you can say money cannot buy love, well by right it is not true. How come? money makes people happy. What makes people happy, by buying the things they want. So i was told this is transient happiness. I must say i cannot agree with that. How can it be true where everything you see on TV has money in it. When you buy flowers for a girl, dont you think she will be happy? she will.
Ya there are some girls that money cannot buy because they dont have the feelings for you. Hmmm .... is it true? not really, Sometime down the life of this girl she will require money as well, probably for her education? her parents medical fees. her house got on fire. so on bla bla bla... so when you are the one helping her financially dont you think she be in love with you. Yes she maybe in love with you and your money, but hey, thats the girl that you want right? And now you have her. thanks to money you have saved the day... Her parents are happy, the daughter is being taken care of financially. And there goes a happy story.
So money can buy happiness, which comes from materials, money can also buy love by providing financial support. So can money buy life? lets find out.
Can we buy life? probably yes. Yes" we all came from dust and to dust we shall return.." means that everyone has to die somehow someday. So can money buy life. think of it.. money may not buy you life but money can at least prolong your life in this devil world. Filled with materials. according to my bible. Money can make a person happy, a happy person will always live longer at least in his or her lifetime, enjoying every moment whenever he or she can. If you have watched the cartoon Up! from Walt Disney. Do you realize one thing? If the 2 love birds had the money to go overseas to where ever the person want to go. Dont you think they will be both very happy. But of course that wont give any meaning into the movie anymore.
There you go, money is power of everything, then again , money is also the devil behind a lot of bad things. For me, as long as we use it in the right manner it is a very useful tool. I love money.
Back to my life. where were we. ok, next recipe for life you need, is a working brain. Not like mine, semi working useless non functional brain. My brain works in a manner that is not useful in this life. Probably 150 years ago i be a great person or a genius, but not today. Today, we require a brain that has to think like a businessman/women. We require rocket science brain to sell a IOL, We need a super genius to operate a phaco machine. And so on and so forth. Unfortunately i m still making my Einstein brain. A little too late, but i hope it will be revealed in 10 years time.
To think of it, i have many unfortunate things happening, pissing people of. Doing crazy things. but thats isnt it what is all about? And of course you have to make people hate you so much.
My worst of times is happening now, at its best of times. Probably i had done something wrong in my pass life, Being a good person is really plain stupid, Being a cunning person that knows the twist and turns of life is much better, at least the person can avoid danger of being blame by others later.
I hope my life will improve, I think this is a really lazy way of saying things, A person should say, i will improve my life. Hope and miracles dont happen at all, Its the person and the living being that made it happen. Stop hoping now and get you butt up and change it, IF you dont like something, change it.. Don't complain about it. Just change it to suite you better.
All i want to say, is life is like a box of chocolate TM, you never know what you gonna get inside it. Forrest Gump may be stupid, which you think so, but he is not affected by his peer pressure in what every he does. So do you. What do you care about what others think of you. Just make the change for yourself. Heck if the next person dont like, either he get up to change his or keep complaining and nothing happens. And that it his problem not yours. Remember a person who is angry with you, he is the problem not you so you dont care about him. He is not happy, let him be, either he has to change himself or you to make it better for him.
Respect money at all times, as money is the key to your happiness. Manage money well it will give you long life. Most importantly, always spend time with your parents. Yes some are nagging here and there. hey, come on, they are old, they are wise, they know what is best for you, just smile at them always, as your smile will be in their heart forever and when they are no more here you will never regret that you have not done enough for them. Parents worry too much about their children, they should, as that is their most proudest possession,they want accompaniment from you, your young ones. They love to be with you, but to be with them you got to bear with their nagging. As usual, you nag your children as well, So thats how life works. We all are here for a purpose. God is not here to help you, Bear in mind you are the one that will save yourself from that falling building. Not God. You are the one that makes you life miserable, happy, wonderful, not God. So if you are like me, blaming God scolding him, don't cause he never listens to you. Then again, if you are angry at God, is your problem, so change yourself, Then you blame no one, Think of God as just a passing by leisure thing people do when there is nothing else for them to do.
Well our timeline is too short, there are too many things to do in this life rather than talk crap in office, People waste too much time talking about others during work. Why not make the times worth, make yourself useful in you life and die a happy person. Not die wondering what have i done in my entire life. Have i dont enough.
So if you have something you want to do, go ahead and do it, dont wait as you wont much chance to do it.
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