Serious listeners are, turn off lights while listening, listen to certain kind of tracks or songs to pint point problems and performance of a system. And keep listening to the same old track till they can sing the songs backwards
Unfortunately i can sometimes listen seriously but never for long hours, i used to be a serious listener, but i got tired along the way. I got lost and tired. So i turn myself into a listener but must have the basics of great reproduction. The system must reproduce the sound which it was intended to by the musician and the recording engineer. As i had stop serious hifi for a while i went for some live performance, whether classical or live band, jazz music, club music, my friend, David told me, what hifi.... this is hifi and it is live playing right infront of you. It was a pub with a live band, IT struck my mind, well hmmm, what he say is true, Live music is live, no one talks about staging how far the singer from you, where is drum the guitar, Heck the music just came from the front and it had no such thing as a stage.

That kept me thinking. Sometime during my hifi journey, i had the chance to be introduced into Naim, i have never understood why naim is a kind of system that not everyone can and know how to and will appretiate a Naim system, I was amaze how naim can reproduce live band, which was what it was meant best to do, if you want to listen to chai ching on a naim, is like chai ching is having a bad day trying so sing to you,
In a live performance, bass usually overwhelms the highs. That why the drum keep thumping on your heart and trying to dislodge it from you. But thats live music.
At my mids of studies, i had some 3 months break, i took a job in KLCC selling retail items,
I was exposed to KLCC famous philharmonic ochestra the MPO, thats the very first time i had myself another live performance. I kept going for performances, like it or not, i had the chance to sit on the golden sit a long time ago, thanks to mr lai,KH with his subject classical or literature appretiation class, they had a nice big tour to MPO and there was when i had the first exposure.
In a live performance, bass usually overwhelms the highs. That why the drum keep thumping on your heart and trying to dislodge it from you. But thats live music.
At my mids of studies, i had some 3 months break, i took a job in KLCC selling retail items,
I was exposed to KLCC famous philharmonic ochestra the MPO, thats the very first time i had myself another live performance. I kept going for performances, like it or not, i had the chance to sit on the golden sit a long time ago, thanks to mr lai,KH with his subject classical or literature appretiation class, they had a nice big tour to MPO and there was when i had the first exposure.

David Foster is really famous, he composes a lot of songs which are used in movies here and there, also for plenty of very famous singers like Celine Dion.Great album to buy, because if you like pop and live music this is the one, plus it comes pack with a DVD
This 2 cds, are bass testing CD's. The manger cd has more test track, as it is a sampler CD, pricey at about RM70 now, i cant remember how much i paid, but it was not cheap also. The track has classical, jazz, vocal, bass, and more bass, try from track 11 onwards if you dont like classical, but make sure you fasten you seatbelt first before listening.
He Xiun tian is more like a monk and praying music. Some say they attract spirit if you listen to it too often. "O mi to fo.... " anyways its a great cd to test, Track 2 track 7 and last track are my favourite. the bass just keep coming, beware of track 2 and 7 as they are really bassy, wife annoyance factor, which is your wife will kill you... if you listen to those track.... "very noisy ah darling"
These 2 cd's will come to the rescue if wife or mom starts scolding you. This are night listening and pint point error correction Cd's uncles loves them very much so as auntie. Because the Cd are in mandrin and plus its their taste. Uncles buy 100k system to play these 2 cd's. Just to bring Chai Ching and Teresa Teng back to life. Really, 100k system can bring Teresa Teng standing right in front of you.
Zee Avi is kind of different, I dont really know them, but listening to her album, they are very modern, got good stuff in them and they make their own music. I dont really listen to artist who sings other people or dead people songs, unless they are dam good, but for Zee Avi i respect their status here, and i go all out to buy the ori cd, yes we hifi kaki loves ori cd, they are different.
No pirate here, all ori, plus supporting Zee Avi i hope she and her gang make more music even fancier than me and fav song Kantoi. hahahaha, i just love it, you should listen to her Kantoi song.
This is one album, which i dont know how it got here, probably my dad got it at a great price, I had pop in this cd curiously wondering what is it all about, in my younger serios listening years, i aviod such music. Becasue it is rock, i had the mentality that hifi not suitable for rock, because very noisy, that was the time my knowledge that was so shallow, that i m so glad im free from it now. So stupid of me to think of like that, if so today i will be under the tempurung deep down no rope can save me, thank goodness i got tired of listening too seriously and ventured into a different direction..
So what im now, im like NEO, free, i can fly,,, haha, no lah, im not that great yet, i only know what and how, but not know why...
i still cannot place great position of speakers. But at least i know what is good sound, and what i want.
So what i want.
I want idealy an all in one system, best of the best, great dynamics, superb vocal, speed and transient, hard to find but they are in the upper level expensive stuff.
But i have found one that i like, JPW mini monitor, so thats what i will stick to for the moment,
happy listening
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